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"A Man Must Fight" by Gene Tunney, his first autobiography. 1932 Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston/NY 288 pages. Gene Tunney tells his own story about his childhood, his military career, his boxing career, etc. in his own words.
"Arms for Living" by Gene Tunney, his second autobiography. 1941 Wilfred Funk, Inc., NY 279 pages. Gene Tunney talked about his family as well as his military and boxing careers, and his advice to the World War II military sailors and soldiers, etc. regarding the need for perseverance, etc.
GeneTunney - The Enigma of the Ring; Copyright 1931 by Nat Fleischer. This 127 page complete, hardcover book says on the title page: "The Ring Athletic Library - Book No. 6;With Numerous Illustrations; by Nat Fleischer..." Includes black and white photos and extensive text
The Long Count ----written by Mel Heimer--- Great boxing book about one of the most controversial moments in the sport.The Long Count refers to the Dempsey/Tunney fight in the 20's.
1968 Mad.Sq.Garden HALL OF FAME Souvenir Book---includes 'GREAT MOMENTS' ...includes the Tunney-Greb series,98 page book with black & white photos.
""All-Time Greats Of Boxing" ---book by Peter Arnold---1987
"Aspirin Age: 1919-1941: The Great, the Comic, and the Tragic Events of American Life in the Chaotic Years Between the Two World Wars" by 22 outstanding writers including a chapter by Gene Tunney about boxing. Isabel Leighton (editor), Simon & Schuster, NY, publishers, 1949 491 pages.
"Farewell to Sport" by Paul Gallico, Alfred A. Knopf Publ., NY, 1938 346 pages.
"The Tumult and the Shouting: My Life in Sport" by Grantland Rice, A. S. Barnes & Co. Publ., NY, 1954 368 pages, indexed and illustrated. Remembrances by one of the greatest sportswriters of all time who has written extensively about Gene Tunney with photographs in this book.
"Shaw's Champions: George Bernard Shaw and Prizefighting from Cashel Byron to Gene Tunney" by Benny Green, London Elm Tree Books, 1978. 210 pages with photos. The story of Shaw's obsession with boxing, and his friendship with Gene Tunney.
"When Dempsey Fought Tunney: heroes, hokum, & storytelling in the Jazz Age" by Bruce J. Evensen, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN, 1996. 214 pages and includes bibliographical references and index. About Tunney, Dempsey, the Philadelphia fight, the Chicago fight, etc.
"The Legendary Champions" by Rex Lardner, American Heritage Press, NY, 1972. 289 pages with many photos. History of prize fighting and boxing which includes information and photos of Gene Tunney.
"Ten And Out!: The Complete Story of the Prize Ring in America" by Alexander Johnston, Ives Washburn Publisher, NY, 1927. 390 pages with an index and photos. Some copies have a foreward by Gene Tunney.
"The Philosophy of Success" by Anderson M. Bates, Halcyon House Publ., NY, 1936. 556 pages. Biographies of various successful people including Gene Tunney.
"Famous American Athletes of Today" by Charles Johnston, L. C. Page & Co., Boston, 1928. Stories with photos about famous athletes including Gene Tunney
"The Long Count" by Mel Heimer, Atheneum Publ., NY, 1969. 277 pages with photos. The legendary battle for the world heavyweight championship was a national sport, and Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey were its heroes. The engrossing story, with illustrations, of the leadup and culmination of the second Tunney-Dempsey fight.
"The Million Dollar Gate" by Jack (Doc) Kearns as told to Oscar Fraley, MacMillan, NY, 1966. 332 pages with photos. Controversial autobiography by the manager of Jack Dempsey and others. Discusses Tunney as well as Dempsey.
"The Heavyweight Champions" by John Durant, Hastings House Publ., NY, 1960. 244 pages with photos. Biographies of Heavyweight Boxers and their fights starting with James Corbett and including Gene Tunney.
"The Heavyweight Championship: An Informal History of Heavyweight Boxing from 1719 to the Present Day" by Nat Fleischer, G. P. Putnum, NY, 1949. 318 pages. Photo illustrated history of the primary boxing division by perhaps the highest regarded modern authority. From modern boxing's beginnings in the 1700's in England up to the present including Gene Tunney.
"The World Heavyweight Boxing Championship - A History" by John McCallum, Chilton Publ., Radnor, PA, 1974. 393 pages with an index and over 100 photos. The fights that immortalized the Champs. All 24 titleholders from Sullivan to Foreman - wonderful history and biographies.
The Golden People---1965.---This book was written by Paul Gallico---The book is about famous people in sports it has 13 chapters about 13 different sports figures, one chapter on Tunney
"The Heavyweight Champions" by Stanley Weston, Ace Books, NY, 1970. 337 pages with illustrations. Covers 25 heavyweight champions including Gene Tunney.
"Boxing's Heavyweight Champions" by Richard Rainbolt, Lerner Publ., Minn, 1977. Includes information about Gene Tunney.
"Pictorial History of Boxing" by Nat Fleischer and Sam Andre, Citadel Press, NY, 1959. 320 pages with numerous photos. Includes every championship fight from the days of bare knuckles to the present. A thorough survey of every championship fight in every division from heavyweight to flyweight.
"Was the Referee Right?" by Gilbert Odd, Nicholas & Watson Publ., London, 1952. 242 pages with photos. Collection of articles about boxing matches involving controversial refereeing decisions like "the long count".
"Esquire: Best of Forty Years" by the editors of "Esquire" magazine, McKay, NY, 1974 with photos.
"Whatever Became Of...?" by Richard Lamparski, 200 photos and includes a description of Gene Tunney with photos.
"The Heavyweight Champions" by Edward Eagan, Hastings House, 1973. 202 pages with photos.
"Come Out Fighting" by John Durant and Edward Rice, Essential Books, Duell, Sloan and Pearce Publ., NY, 1946. The book discusses boxing from the Greeks and Romans of 2,600 years ago to the boxers of 1946. There is a chapter devoted to "The Million Dollar Gate" with Tunney and Dempsey.
This cover of collier's magazine is from March 19, 1932.
There are five short stories, and several articles.One is by Gene tunney,
"A Man Must Fight".
Collier's ---Vol. 89 January through March, 1932--- Beginning Feb.6, 1932 A man must fight: A champion's autogbiography by Gene Tunney-Continued in Feb.13, Feb.20, Feb.27, March 5, March 12, March 19,March 26, and concludes in the April 2nd issue
Collier's Magazine VOL 127 April thru June, 1951--- 6/23--- G.B. Shaw's Letter to Gene Tunney
Collier's Magazine --- 1/14, 1950---Vol. 125---"Was Joe Louis the greatest?" written by Gene Tunney
The Ring
The Ring magazine--- Sept., 1928, --- l) "Muldoon Praises Tunney and the Ring; Tells of His Experiences" by William Muldoon; 2) "Gene Tunney Stands Supreme" by Nat Fleischer; 3) "After Tunney, the Whirlwind!" by Daniel M. Daniel; 4) "Tunney's Action Wise" by James J. Corbett.
The Ring ---June 1946--- Gene Tunney on cover---
The Ring---3/47 ---SILVER JUBILEE ISSUE---On the cover are drawings of Dempsy, Grer, Tunney, Leonard, Armstrong and Louis. This issue covers the years 1922 to 1947.
Ring Magazine---OCTOBER, 1947 Issue. ---The cover has GRAZIANO-ZALE fight pictures, with a caption below what states "20 years ago this thrilling moment in ring history took place at Soldiers' Field, Chicago, the start of the famous "Long Count". Dempsey landing the knockdown blow to Tunney's chin.
"The Ring" boxing magazine---Jan., 1950. ---Has one drawing and a few words about Gene Tunney in it.
The Ring magazine--- Nov., 1957. ---l) "Gene Tunney and The Clever Boys" by Al Buck, 2) "It Happened Thirty Years Ago in Soldier's Field" by Nat Fleischer.
Ring Magazine's ---MAY, 1963 issue.---"GENE TUNNEY'S GREATEST FIGHT"
Ring Magazine's ---JUNE, 1963 issue.---"GENE TUNNEY, 65 YEARS YOUNG"
The Ring---July, 1965---article about gene tunney
The Ring---January, 1967---"The Long Count Mystery Solved"article
The Ring---November, 1971---"Gene Tunney finally talks on Clay, Frazier, Dempsey"article
The Ring---October,1977---"Gene Tunney at 80"
The Ring---January, 1982---Gene Tunney article
The Ring---April, 1986---Tunney article
Self Defense Boxing Magazine
SELF DEFENSE BOXING MAGAZINE---1928---A 1928, 25 cent issue of Self Defense magazine, Photo Album, with Gene Tunney Cover, 47 Pages. Pics of Gene Tunney & Dempsey Fight, 1927 & numerous fighters of that day.
SELF DEFENSE BOXING MAGAZINE---1927---A Self Defense Boxing Photo Album Magazine featuring Jack Dempsey on a very colorful cover. Pictures of Gene Tunney & msc. boxers of that day.
ESQUIRE ---OCT. 1958 --- 25 SILVER ANNIVERSARY ISSUE---Gene Tunney article
ESQUIRE MAGAZINE--1st ISSUE---1933---tunney article
Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact--- volume
#1, Issue #2, 1966---Features the story of Gene Tunney
Boxing: Heavyweight Champs - Complete Story---1981 publication from the publishers of Boxing Digest covering John L. through Holmes. 27 fascinating studies of the sport's most fabled men plus the high and low point of each champ's career. Back outside cover has full page photo of Joe Louis, inside front cover - Gene Tunney
Popular Science---December,1926 ---"Gene Tunney Tells How He Beat Dempsey" The article includes 4 early pictures and is written on pages, 28, 29, 155, and 156.
Golden Books Magazine---April 1934---The
Literary Magazine of the Era...all the famous authors of the the
title I've listed the "lead" author for the issue...MANY more
listed on the front covers...these magazines have a book value of $10-20
America Magazine...-Gene Tunney (1940)
DESCRIPTION: This folder consists of correspondence (1940) of Prizefighter Gene Tunney.
Look Magazine ---9/13/38---on the cover
is Mitzi Uehlein who has become known as the most often photographed school
girl in the USA. Here is Dempsey's own story of his famous "long count"
fight with Gene Tunney in Chicago, Sept. 22, 1927. Did Jack get a raw deal?
Many experts believe he did. However it was Jack's own failure to go to
a neutral corner that enabled Tunney to stay down 14 seconds. Relive the
fight through 2 pages of film pictures.
LIBERTY magazine---Feb, 28. 1931---an article about Gene Tunney that is called "Gene Tunney - Then and Now" by Paul Gallico. It is a 5 page article with 8 photographs.
"Boxing and Wrestling" magazine---Sept. issue,1956 or 1957---magazine with a cover image of
Gene Tunney and the leading article "Did Luck Make Gene Tunney Champion?" by Oscar Fraley---It is a 5 page
article with 3 photographs besides the cover painting.
POLICE GAZETTE---April, 21, 1928---Measures 11" x 16" with 24 pages.---On page 6 there is an article entitled "Scott Would Defeat Tunney in 20 Rounds, Says British Expert". On page 11 there is an article entitled "Tom Heeney Chosen to Fight Tunney for Heavyweight Crown". This article includes a small (1" x 1.5") head and shoulder picture of Gene Tunney. On page 17 there is a photo (4.5" x 6.25") of Gene Tunney standing with cartoonist Gene Byrnes.
Ashaway Sportsman 1951 magazine---fishing magazine with tunney in it.
Sports Illustrated ---Sept 22 ,1997 ---great
article on The Long Count between Dempsey and Tunney.
"Arena" magazine ---March, 1930 issue---an article titled Dempsey's reign ends. The Manassa Mauler gives up title to Gene Tunney. It has a picture of Tunney in his WW1 outfit.
Boxing Pictorial---March,1977---"The Only Fight Tunney Ever Lost"
"Sport Story" magazine, ---July lst, ---1938. Article by William Inglis called "Old Champs vs New" which pitted Gene Tunney against Jim Jeffries.
"Cosmopolitan", ---August, ---1932. Gene Tunney wrote an article for this issue called: "The Olympics".
Sport magazine: ---May 1949 issue.---"The Truth About My Fights with Jack Dempsey" by Gene Tunney (one of the articles in the magazine).
Thrilling Moments in Sports History LP album---Dempsey tells about "long count" with Gene Tunney.
Greatest Moments in Sports LP album---Tunney section is on it.
GILLETTE SPORTS BABE RUTH 33 rpm sm. LP Record---Tunney section is on it.
Longines Symphonette Society LP record---,SY 5185 The Years to Remember... Narrated by Frank Knight ---Jack Dempsey- Gene Tunney fight
50's~Gillette Razor~331/3 LP Record---This 331/3 RPM Long Play Unbreakable record was a premium from the Gillette Safety Razor Company. It contains the excerpts from The Greatest Moments in Sports with the actual sounds and voices of Gene Tunney and many others.
THE HEAVYWEIGHTS is a record album ---published by Mutual Sports.---It has excerpts from every Heavyweight fight from JOHN L. SULLIVAN TO CASSSIUS CLAY.
1987 CHICAGO SPORTS HISTORY VIDEO---a section on gene tunney
NBC Sports: Greatest Boxing Rounds Ever ! ---VIDEO---Historys best bout including Dempsey/Tunney
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